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'Smilies' are small graphical images that can be used to convey an emotion or feeling. If you have used email or internet chat, you are likely familiar with the smilie concept. Certain standard strings are automatically converted into smilies. Try twisting your head on one side if you do not 'get' smilies; using a bit of imagination should reveal a face of some description.

If you want to disable smilies in a post that you make, you can select the 'Disable Smilies' option when posting. This is particularly useful if you are posting program code and you do not want ;) converted to a smilie face!

Generic Smilies
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
:wav: wav wav
:groupsmilie: groupsmilie groupsmilie
:crazy: crazy crazy
:burned: burned burned
:drink: drink drink
:angel7: angel7 angel7
:beer1: beer1 beer1
:bigeek: bigeek bigeek
:coldcaffeine_tweetz coldcaffeine_tweetz coldcaffeine_tweetz
:hop: 39 39
:Happy Birthday: Happy Birthday Happy Birthday
:coffee: coffee coffee
:letter: letter letter
:drugs: drugs drugs
:poke: poke poke
:2cents: 2cents 2cents
:bump: bump bump
duh duh duh
:2sick: sick sick
:drool: drool drool
:su: SU SU
smileyeatingchoc smileyeatingchoc smileyeatingchoc
:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
violin violin violin
idontknow idontknow idontknow
aprilfools aprilfools aprilfools
:dropjaw: dropjaw dropjaw
:blink: blink blink
:woman: woman woman
:woohoo: woohoo woohoo
:wash: wash wash
:bliss: bliss bliss
:bow: bow bow
:didisaythat: didisaythat didisaythat
:fluffy: fluffy fluffy
:gabgab: gabgab gabgab
:praying: praying praying
:partay: partay partay
:noob: noob noob
:stp: stirpot stirpot
:kissss: kissss kissss
:yeahthat: yeahthat yeahthat
:bounce2: bounce2 bounce2
:popcorn: popcorn popcorn
:_blushing: _blushing _blushing
:copcar: copcar copcar
:sun: sun sun
:popcorn2: popcorn2 popcorn2
:popcorn3: popcorn3 popcorn3
:ribbonpink: ribbonpink ribbonpink
:violin: violin violin
:duck: duck duck
:headbang: headbang headbang
:love: love love
:wall: wall wall
:hs: homeschool homeschool
:hide: hide hide
:whistle: whistle whistle
Birth Bfing Babywearing
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
:fbbf: fbbf fbbf
:Backcarry: Backcarry Backcarry
:nursing: nursing nursing
:bfak: bfak bfak
:birth: Birth Birth
:familybed1: familybed1 familybed1
:lactivist: lactivist lactivist
:hhomebirth: hhomebirth hhomebirth
:makebabe: makebabe makebabe
:cd: cd cd
:neg: neg neg
:belly: belly belly
:winner: winner winner
:slingbaby: slingbaby slingbaby
:pos: pos pos
Sad Angry
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
:bla: bla bla
:explosion: explosion explosion
:banned: banned banned
:argue: argue argue
:boohoo: boohoo boohoo
:bullwhip: bullwhip bullwhip
:dunno: dunno dunno
:shake: shake shake
:deadhorse: dead horse dead horse
:mad: Mad Mad
::-(: :-( :-(
:grr: grr grr
:swear: swear swear
:hopmad: hopmad hopmad
:waaa: waaa waaa
:hug: hug hug
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
:slap: slap slap
:buthead: 747 747
:bunnyfoofoo: sterb277 sterb277
:toiletgrab: fighting0069 fighting0069
:aggressivecyclist: fighting0057 fighting0057
:poundinghead: fighting0029 fighting0029
:machinegun: fighting0021 fighting0021
:dualguns: fighting0002 fighting0002
:fighting0001: fighting fighting
:tomatos: tomatos tomatos

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